So, I've been checking out a Facebook "anti-virus scanner" named BitDefender SafeGo for a couple of weeks now, on 2 different Facebook profiles (our official GeekDrop profile, and my own personal profile), and so far it seems pretty interesting. While it hasn't caught any problems on either of my profiles yet, (not sure I've really had any issues for it to catch) it's been a bit too soon to tell how effective it is, but it seems to have potential.
Once you install the app (Clicky here to get it) it just runs 24/7, keeping diligent guard over what your friends post and what you post, looking for suspicious, or known "viruses". You can choose to have it post automatically on your wall if it discovers something, to alert your friends to be careful, and in an upcoming version will also scan and keep watch of your inbox too. (You can turn these features on or off as you choose).
Here's a screenshot of it in action:
If anyone has seen it catch any infections, or has any personal reviews, I'd love to hear them!
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