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How To Add The Myspace Mood Widget To Your Profile

Check it out! Premie member swho are able to view and edit thier GeekDrop profiles are also able to add thier Myspace Mood Widget to it for other members to see! And here's how:

Login to your Myspace account, and visit your Status and Mood page.

Then follow the steps in the screenshots below ...

myspace mood widget

STaRDoGG's picture

How to Block Assholes, I Mean, Buyers / Bidders on Ebay

Anyone who's ever had a job having to deal with buyers, be it, cashiers, customer service, and so on, can attest that dealing with people can be a royal PITA. Selling items on eBay is no different. Especially when eBay is rife with scammers.

I Averaged: 4 | 5 votes
STaRDoGG's picture

How to Add AHK (AutoHotkey) Scripts to Windows Start Up

I was responding to a member's question and the topic of adding AutoHotkey scripts to Windows start up, so they ran automatically when Windows boots up, came up, so I thought I'd create a separate post that I could always point to in the future...

If you're unfamiliar with AHK, you just download it from their website and install it (or unzip it, if you get the zip version), then you simply call the AutoHotkey.exe followed by the path to the script you want to run.

xiongmeixian's picture

How Do I Edit My Windows 'Send To' Folder So I Can Put My Own Apps in it? - Solved

I want to put some programs into my Send To folder? Is this possible?

Thanks in advance!

I Averaged: 4 | 2 votes
STaRDoGG's picture

How To Enable or Disable Logging In Plex Media Server (PMS)

Need to Enable Logging (or Disable Logging) in your Plex Media Server? Here's How.


Sometimes you just plain need to see what in God's name is going on behind the scenes, of your Plex Media Server, whether it's for trying to pinpoint an issue (like in our tutorial: Plex Media Server - Search - Nothing Found - Solution for example), or just outright curiosity. Well, it's easy.


Here's How:

    I Averaged: 4 | 1 vote
STaRDoGG's picture

Plex Media Server: How To Update Your Libraries and / or Optimize Your Database

A very quick "How To", to show you how to immediately do a library update and / or optimize your Plex Media Server (PMS) database (library), through Plex.

  1. Made some changes to your Plex folders outside of the Plex interface, such as recently added files, movies, music, or whatever, and need to have PMS see them NOW instead of waiting for it's scheduled update check?

  2. Want to make sure your PMS library is nice and cleaned up, running fast, not using up unnecessary bloat on your hard drive, etc.?

    I Averaged: 3 | 3 votes
STaRDoGG's picture

Plex Search Broken - [Solution]

Plex Media Server Search Doesn't Work. No Search Results.


I've recently run into a long lasting problem with my Plex Media Server (PMS), where doing any search, be it in the PMS web interface itself, or any of Plex's apps, would always end up with "No matches found." Even if I was looking directly AT matches right on the screen, with my very own eyes (which are still pretty good, I might add, even at my age. Wink ).

I Averaged: 4 | 2 votes
STaRDoGG's picture

What Version of NDIS is My Computer Using?

Need to know which version of the NDIS driver is installed on any network card on your computer?

Maybe you're fighting with MiraCast Wink like half the internet is, and have come to realize that one requirement is a WiFi network card that supports at minimum NDIS 6.3?

You've come to the right place (but as a regular GeekDropper, you already knew this, right? ... Tongue ), it's cake, just:

  • Fire up Windows PowerShell: Windows Key + R , type "powershell" , press Enter
  • 3.1
    I Averaged: 3.1 | 10 votes
STaRDoGG's picture

How To Customize the Column Orders in WordPress [Code Example]

While working on one of my WordPress sites I stumbled upon the need to customize (reorder) the column order while I was adding new columns on some admin pages. Specifically in my case, the "Manage Posts" and "Manage Pages" pages. I saw people on the coding sites asking how to do it, with no one responding to them, and I was unable to really come up with a simple example by doing a little Google-Fu, so I figured it out on my own and thought I'd share.

All you really need to do is shuffle around the $defaults variable (which is an array). Here's the code:

I Averaged: 4 | 1 vote

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