My firewall popped up a bit ago asking if I wanted to allow WSQMCONS.EXE to connect to the internet but I don't know what it is. I don't want to let it connect in case it's a virus or some kind of Malware, so I blocked it. Does anyone know what WSQMCONS.EXE is?
Single & Not Looking
Does anyone know what WSQMCONS.EXE is?
It's a Windows program called "Consolidator" that's set to run periodically through the Windows Task Scheduler.
If the user has consented to participate in the Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program, this job collects and sends usage data to Microsoft.
So essentially, it reports information to Microsoft regarding how Windows is running on your computer. Any hardware crashes / issues, and so forth, assuming you've given your consent. I've also personally found this to be running on mine and don't specifically recall giving my consent, but I may have just been blazing through some settings somewhere along the line when it asked, and wasn't paying enough attention to not consent. It's not a necessary program (although helpful for everyone in the grand scheme of things) so if you want to stop it from running (i.e. remove consent) you can disable in via the Task Scheduler.
Here's how:
All done. The Consolidator (wsqmcons.exe) will no longer run. you've essentually opted-out of sending your information to Mikeysoft. If you ever want to re-enable (or opt-in) it again, simply reverse these steps, but choose "enable" instead.