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Computer Wallpapers

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Smartmom's picture
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Sometimes its fun just to decorate your desktop or laptop with some new wallpaper. Sure there are alot of sites with some cool looking ones but I thought we could share the sites that we like to use and maybe give a example or two of what we like and what the site has to offer. The examples below and the links below are all from FREE sites.

I stumbled apon this one site that showed what they call 50 Inspiring 3D desktops. I'm thinking I may have to change out my wallpaper on my laptop and I'm really loving this one from

I think one of my favorite sites to get wallpapers from is

This one made me laugh

They have some cool skull ones too if your into the dark side wallpapers

Now for those who have Dual monitors it can be harder to find dual monitor wallpapers that look good (and are free). has a whole section for dual monitors Big Grin

currently this is my wallpaper

I'm thinking This one is really cool

Then they also have a ton of scenery ones like this one

So where do you tend to get your wallpapers from? Share your site with the group Big Grin

Please note: This thread is ONLY to share wallpapers and active desktops. Discussing computer issues should be done in another thread.

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Smartmom's picture
Wellington Florida
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Re: Computer Wallpapers

Ok if your into doing the Matrix here is a cool program (free). I have this on two of my kids computers Here is a screen shot of my one sons computer wallpaper. It is a active program and the letters and numbers come raining down.

Now you can make the matrix any color and put any pick in the background. Now I run windowblinds on it so my bottom taskbar looks different - that is not the matrix program. Here are pics of my kids computers that have it on

Here it is in green

Smartmom's picture
Wellington Florida
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Re: Computer Wallpapers

I found this pic today and thought it was really cool. It wasn't on a wallpaper site so I uploaded it to my photobucket account

Here is another one I have in my personal collection


Smartmom's picture
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Re: Computer Wallpapers
Smartmom's picture
Wellington Florida
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Re: Computer Wallpapers

ok here is a site with some really different ones that take a odd twist to designs:

70+ Extra Premium Advertising Wallpapers

here are a few examples:

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Re: Computer Wallpapers

i love the red riding hood pic! i want that for my profile pic but cant get the site to pull up anything...can i steal it from here?

Smartmom's picture
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Re: Computer Wallpapers

I changed my laptop wallpaper - I love the look of this one....

So where are my icons? Well I use True Launch Bar - I it

p to the izzle's picture
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Re: Computer Wallpapers

I don't remember where I got this but here is my current desktop background. I generally prefer dark themes.

I also really like this one. Japanese artwork is among my favorite.

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Re: Computer Wallpapers
Love the wave, its very cool!

Karma, it works every time!

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Re: Computer Wallpapers

I was doing an image search and came across that wave pic again. I had forgotten about it, but now its my current background.

Smartmom's picture
Wellington Florida
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Re: Computer Wallpapers

ohhhh love the dark one - I'll have to show that to my son (he is into the dark themes too)

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