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Getting DDoS'd! How do I stop it?

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Ever hear of a DOS program? I know someone who is having one used against her system at home and she doesn't know how to stop it.
She's saying some kid got a hold of her home ip address and is using a DOS (denial of service) program to bombard her router or modem or whatever so she cant get service. Everything is bogged down.

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Re: Getting DDoS'd! How do I stop it?

Yep, "DDoS", (Distributed Denial of Service).

It just basically pings the IP address relentlessly from a bunch of different computers to flood it with traffic. The solution is to get a different IP address. Sometimes, depending on your ISP and how they handle it, if you unplug your modem for awhile and then plug it back in the ISP will automatically assign it a new IP address. If that doesn't work she could contact the ISP and just tell them whats going on and they'd probably manually give her a new one.

For a little geeky history for anyone interested, check out my What does DDoS mean? article.

Shhh.. dont tell anyone, but we also have a private forum area with the really good stuff, see?

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Re: Getting DDoS'd! How do I stop it?

Thanks! She called Comcast who said they won't change ip addresses for residential customers. She tried to unplug the router but it gave her the same ip as before.. We r thinking she didn't leave it unplugged long enough? I read sometimes it takes hours?

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