So Mel Gibson is going to be a father for the 8th time. Wondering if this is what finally brought on the wife filing for divorce I always thought theirs was a match made in heaven
"It's official - Mel Gibson's girlfriend is pregnant - and he's the daddy.
Just six weeks after the "Passion of the Christ" actor's wife of 28 years filed for divorce, Gibson told Jay Leno that his Russian gal pal, Oksana Grigorieva, 39, is indeed expecting their child"
Okay i just googled and now i get it! clarification for others who were a bit confused...Mel gibson and his ex had 7 children together and this oskana gal is his new wife and kinda looks like the octomom moreover he is carrying his 8th child!!!!
Nope, not his new wife, shes still just the girlfriend. The article mentioned something about him saying "who would do it twice" (talking about marriage).
Ahh... hehehehe
OK caffeine has just kicked in--I am sorry! i thought that SM's comment was the thread topic-the initial post. that's why i was confused! didn't see your initial post above it!
It's quite strange how they both look similar to Angelina Jolie who has six children and counting.
Wellington Florida
OK so I looked at the subject and thought Good Lord who would want to be a octo mom then I wondered OK what did octo mom do now...
*Shakes head at Mel* I guess to each there own who knows what went on behind closed doors (with mel and his now ex wife).
On a side note she does look like octo mom -
Oksana Grigorieva Octo Mom

You have to admit that is kinda creepy.......