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Free List of Baby Names

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OliveOyl's picture
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I am trying to find a big list of baby names in text format (not pdf, or on a website, etc) that I can download for free. Just one name after another, no numbers in front of each name or anything, like this:


Does anyone know where I can find one? Thanks!

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Re: Free List of Baby Names

In my quick seach I found this (I think its more then what you want): BABY NAMES

It is a downloadable exe file (scan it before you open it - I did not download it). The description is as follows:

Baby Names is a software which contains a database of over 21,000 baby names with meanings from over 70 origin categories. The database can be searched by Name, Meaning, Origin and Sex. A Name search can be made with options set to find an exact match, or to search for names beginning with specific letters, ending with specific letters, or containing certain letters. Favorite names can be added to a Favorites database, allowing the user to study favorites at leisure.Baby Names is a just the software for the expecting mother and eager father getting ready to bring in a new bundle of joy into their lives.Why do I need a software to find a name for my baby when there are books available?Baby name books are organized alphabetically by Name, and sometimes by Origin, but baby name books are not organized by meaning. Baby Names takes care of that. Suppose you want to see all English names for a baby girl starting with the alphabet L and which mean "beautiful", Baby Names will show the entire list in a second.What is this concept of favorite names?Selecting a name for your baby is never a easy process. Its going to take you time to make up you mind. You and your spouse may want to search a name at different times and short list a few as favorite names. Later, you can sit together and decide which name you are going to give to your baby boy or baby girl.

I know when I go to the grocery store here local next to the magazines there are always those mini books for like $1.99 that have hundreds of babynames in them - one name after another and that is it. You might want to check your store or your book store - it may be cheap and easier.

SloPoke's picture
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Re: Free List of Baby Names

i think OliveOil needed the list in the exact format she described. I'm sorry Oliveoil but I've had no luck finding anything like that for you. Sad

STaRDoGG's picture
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Re: Free List of Baby Names

Here is a page with a bunch of lists of names in the format you asked for OliveOyl. Just open them with notepad, even if the file extension ends with .dic (or nothing at all), they're still basically just text files.

They aren't specifically baby names, but if ya ask me, names are names. Wink

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