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candyhart's picture
Between Chicago & Milwaukee
Premium Member (Silver)The Steel CurtainI use FirefoxI use Internet ExplorerI use SafariI'm Here To Help, & Have Proven It!Mac UserWindows UserI donated more than $20+ to GeekDrop!I donated to GeekDrop simply because I love it!Booga Booga BoogaI took a bite of the AppleThe Dr. left the stem off the apple!Someone thinks you're udderly delightful!STaRDoGG <3's you ;)
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Joined: 03/12/2009
Posts: 190
Drops: 485
Mood: Cheerful

Facebook has changed and failed to let us know about it. Take a look at your URL address (the top box on your screen.) If you see "http" instead of "https" you DO NOT have a secure session & can be HACKED.

Go to Account >
 Account Settings >
Account Security
click  on Change.
Check box (secure browsing), be sure to click  Save. Facebook has automatically set it on the non-secure setting!

Happy Facebooking!!

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