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Smartmom's picture
Wellington Florida
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In Texas there was a 21 yr old boy that was killed outside of a bar. He died on Sunday. His mother donated his organs and then fought for the rights of her son's sperm. She would like to find a surrogate mom to give birth to her grandchildren. A judge did yesterday allow the harvesting of the son's sperm. I saw a interview with the mom on the Today Show. There not sure if the sperm is actually viable since they were harvested a few days after his passing but for now they are frozen and waiting. You can read more about it here:

Texas judge allows collection of dead son's sperm

AUSTIN, Texas -- A judge has granted a mother's request to have someone harvest sperm from her dead son's body, so she can have the option of carrying out his wish to have children. Nikolas Colton Evans, 21, died Sunday at a Brackenridge hospital after being punched and falling outside an Austin bar March 27.

His mother, Marissa Evans, told the Austin American-Statesman newspaper that he wanted to have three sons someday and had even picked out their names: Hunter, Tod and Van.

So what are your thoughts on this? Should she or parents be allowed to harvest sperm from a child that has passed on? OK the son was 21 but what if this was a younger child? Would you consider this if you was your child?

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