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Smartmom's picture
Wellington Florida
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Who knew that the sharks just don't randomly kill their pray but they stalk them and hunt them down like serial killer. There was a study that almost reads like a horror book....

They were focused. They stalked from a usual base of operations, 100 yards from their victims. It was close enough to see their prey, but not close enough to be seen and scare off their victims. They attacked when the lights were low. They liked their victims young and alone. They tried to attack when no other sharks were around to compete. They learned from previous kills.

And they attacked from below, unseen.

So what is the difference between a shark and a serial killer? Well a shark will stalk, hunt and kill its prey for food. I love how yahoo compares them to Hannabal Lecter. It kinda makes you want to stay out of the water huh? I know living in FL there has been one attack after another in recent months. Sometimes when I watch the news they will fly there chopper out over the water and show all of the sharks out there and you have to think Holy Crap I'm not going to the beach today. Yet somehow we still go. When I was like 10 yrs old in the Bahamas diving off of a boat I ran into a shark (nurse shark). At that time I had no idea what type it was but I knew I was dead. It took a few days to get me back into the water.

So any takers now on coming to visit me in FL. and hanging out at the beach? Smile

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