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One more makes 19 kids, The Duggar Family

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Smartmom's picture
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Oh yeah just announced on The Today show - the Duggar family is once again expecting. This will be baby number 19. Holy crap can you imagine 19 kids???? Seriously???? Here is their family picture in 2006 (short a few kids here)

I dunno I think THIS PICTURE kinda is better. I dunno all I can think is birth control but I guess to each their own. You can see their family website here: The Duggar Family. You can also see some more family photos HERE and I will say their house is to die for but with 19 kids no way they can keep it. Did I mention she home schools them all. More power to them....

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Re: One more makes 19 kids, The Duggar Family

Their oldest son and his wife are expecting and due in a month or two. I dunno I just don't understand...whyyyyyyyyyyy??? OK I know why but seriously whyyyyyyyyyyy???

This is when #17 popped out because face it at this point I'm sure they just pop out

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Re: One more makes 19 kids, The Duggar Family

my question is HOW did he afford to build a house looking like that with 19 kids? Seriously what does he do for a living? and they ALL take music lessons, he must be making millions a year? Yes I agree that house is out of this world. I love that "other" picture Laughing it wouldn't be me, I like my body too much to put it through all that.

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Re: One more makes 19 kids, The Duggar Family

Laughing he is in politics - seriously he is Laughing

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Wellington Florida
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Re: One more makes 19 kids, The Duggar Family

Baby 19 was born yesterday - 3 months early (Yikes)

Duggar baby No. 19 arrives early

Michelle Duggar had emergency C-section; delivers 1 lb, 6 oz Josie Brooklyn

Michelle Duggar, America’s most famous supermom and star of the TLC reality series “18 Kids and Counting” (which is due for a title change), gave birth to her 19th child Thursday evening.

The infant wasn’t due until March 18, but after Michelle Duggar seemingly recovered from a weekend attack of gallstones, she was rushed into an emergency C-section Thursday at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.

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Josie Brooklyn Duggar checked in at 6:27 p.m. She weighed 1 pound, 6 ounces and was reported to be resting in the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit. A family spokesman told People magazine that the infant was expected to be fine.

Yikes that is one time baby. Thoughts and prayers are with mom - I hope this is the last too.

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Re: One more makes 19 kids, The Duggar Family

Damn, that's a tiny kid.

And then there's this:

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Re: One more makes 19 kids, The Duggar Family

Laughing I remember these guys, they scare the crap out of me

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Re: One more makes 19 kids, The Duggar Family

Ahh, a politician? I always wondered where our tax dollars went ...

Anyone happen to know what religion they are. They're clearly *something* ...

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