I never expected to get into Mafia Wars. I always got requests to join people’s “Mafia” but figured it was the equivalent of one of those War video games. Well, your little GG is now a Mafia Wars ADDICT. It’s hard not to be! The game is fun and you are constantly compelled to “ice” guys, build your character, move up levels, get the latest and greatest gear & properties, and make molto denaro!
Here is a spot for us to post all of our tips and tricks for both beginners and pros, that we have learned ourselves or heard through the grapevine and found to be useful.
Pick Your Name Wisely!
That i know of- You can't change it (unless you want to pay real money). Think up something that will represent your Mobster side of yourself.
Bank your Money!
Unless you're going to make a purchase in the near-to-immediate future, put that money in the bank! Yes you get a "laundering fee" of 10% but the danger of someone fighting you and stealing all your hard-earned dough is a far worse fate.
Build your Character Wisely!
Spread out those extra experience points you get - when you move up a level - among your choices: Health, Energy, Defense, Attack, Stamina- unless you know you only need to improve one area. My point is, don't completely forget about one area of your character.
Get a Bigger Mafia
A bigger mafia is a stronger one. Invite your friends to play or add people from the forum Add Me thread. With a stronger mafia you will win more fights and be eligible for more equipment (some gear has a minimum for the amount of mafia members you need to purchase it).
Send Energy
As missb stated, it is polite and incredibly useful to send and receive Energy Boosts to your mafia members. Save it for when your energy is out and you are in need of it. Because you can only use them once every 24 hours.
Keep up with the Gear (and Properties)
Obtaining properties is an important way to ensure cash flow. This requires saving your money to immensely up the flow. My recommendation: Start small, acquiring a couple of lots and then save for something medium-sized, then go big. You will as a result be able to buy the armor, vehicles, and boosts necessary to have a defense against attacks that unexpectedly come up. As you move up levels, everyone gets better and you won't stand a chance if you're not well-equipped!
Find a Weakling and Prey on Them
You're far from gobs of energy and are a stretch away from your next level: go to the fight page, and a few times a day you will most likely find a weakling on there: Someone you Know you can beat when you compare your Attack/Defense gear or see that they have hardly Ever won a fight. When it says you Win (do this the first time), right click over their name and Open in New Tab. If you run out of health Right click on the Hospital link and open in New Tab. Otherwise they most likely will not appear in your Fight page anymore and you will lose out on the easy points. That way after you ICE them you will still be able to attack them, gaining more and more experience (to get to your next level) until your Stamina runs out.
Lastly--Don't Spend REAL Money on the Game
Unless your a millionaire, money is tight for everyone these days. There are many opportunities on Mafia Wars to use Pay Pal to purchase enticing things on Mafia Wars. I know that it's easy to get competitive-even if it is just against yourself and your goals, but don't go wasting real life's dough on a Facebook GAME. That's just a waste.
Happy Mob-Whacking!
Awesome tips GG!
Thank you--I am crossing my fingers that i'll see your prowess flex its muscles on here! (I'm only on level 20 right now)
Yeah i would do that at the beginning too, hence my tip about waiting until you're out of energy to use that energy pack. That was one thing that i learned after a couple "well, now what?"'s
I should add another tip:
Before you use your energy pack look at how close you might be to completing a level & remember that when you complete a level, your Health, Energy, etc are all restored. If you use an energy pack very close to a level change it will most likely be a waste as your Energy will be refilled anyway and the Energy Pack will stop (and you won't be able to get another one for 24 hours). EDIT: 23 Hours)
Hurry up and do some Jobs today if you haven't been on Mafia Wars lately! there has been a Job that is Halloween-themed ("Rob a Candy Truck"), and the "gear" you get each job completed have AWESOME attack and defense points, perphaps making them the best you'll have in your arsenal. Also completing one of those jobs is 22 experience points. Purty sweet! But this ends tomorrow, so hurry up!
(note: you can only do that job once a day, but even if you only are able to do one job because it ends tomorrow, it's better than not doing it!!)
Don't forget, the stats are good on it. Best of all, if you do the job, it's FREE. As such, the upkeep is 0 too. :-)
I am starting to think about saving my energy more for Cuba. Then again, those gigs are a load of energy and relatively low payouts. Then I thought about it. If I could pump my business there, after a time, why the hell do I need the Cuba jobs? I mean..maybe I am short sighted on that. I figure build the money first and then worry about the jobs. (((shrugs)))
When do the Cuba jobs start? I also saw something about Moscow...?
Throw any tips you have on here, Uncle Freakin Joe! We all would love to learn from them!!!!
When do the Cuba jobs start? I also saw something about Moscow...?
Cuba starts at level 35, Moscow is level 70.
Throw any tips you have on here, Uncle Freakin Joe! We all would love to learn from them!!!!
Cuba starts at level 35. Moscow starts at 70.
Here is the thing about Cuba. You start there with 0 pesos. You can't use your NYC dollars in Cuba, and vice versa. So you have to start by kicking arse, and going to the hospital in NYC. You get 1 bodega that generates 210 pesos every 3 hours or whatever it is for non moguls.
There is a job to rob the cabbie. You need 12 energy to complete it. It gives you 200 pesos. The cancer stick plantation is something like 12,500. You have to upgrade the businesses as you go, and those are a few grand a pop per upgrade. A machetti is 1,000 pesos. A local guide is 4,000, and a street thug is 5,000. Stuff is pricey and the pay is squat.
Right now, I am trying to upgrade my plantation for a bit. My advice, easy on the fights as it will drain your NYC money from the hospital. Secondly, starting out, most people don't have dime one to rob. You might make out here and there. Build the business, help on some Cuba jobs when you see them as they pay pesos.
Play the real estate game, and do the jobs you can as you can. It's a very slow go process. Someone told me that it starts slow until the money builds. Then it's another story. I am almost to the point where I can segregate the bank money from business money.
The way the money works there is simple. You buy a business or you have a bodega. It produces so many crates every so many hours. You sell your crates, and that's where you get your return.
Thanks UFJ! I never completely understood it until now. Yeah the hospital bills in NYC are extraordinary. But I just leave my health Low and it creeps back up rather quickly. Have to get more energy to do more jobs, get more money, so that i can upgrade my properties and generate more cash flow, save $ for moscow and cuba--get good gear to bring. I JUST got a Valumart today, which has increased my $$ considerably. I'll be movin' on up in the mafia wars world now!
Oh Q for you UFJ--when you go to Moscow or Cuba, can your gear come too or are you starting from scratch there? Will you still get your NYC property income? And like missb asked, can you toggle between those places?
I can answer a couple of them, yes you can toggle between the 3 places, i was just wondering if it was best to complete the NY tiers first. I think your gear is your gear no matter where you go and yes you will still accumulate money on your NY property. I'm finding cuba slow and frustrating though
It sounds difficult but hey the bright side is that at least there is some depth to this game...ya know, that it's not like you "win" (i know you can't win but you know what i mean...maybe "master it" is a better phrase) so easily.
btw thanks for the answers, mafia gal!
Single & Not Looking
Awesome tips GG! One mistake that I was making and only thought of a way around it yesterday is this:
I would play in the morning and use all of my remaining energy, when I get home in the evening, I would have say half of my full energy, but then I would see that someone had sent me energy (and get so excited) so I would click on "use energy pack" RIGHT AWAY and I would be restored to full energy, good right? Wrong, what I was forgetting to do was to use up all the energy that I ALREADY had BEFORE clicking on "use energy pack" because by not doing that, I was in essence wasting the energy I already had
a simple mistake but I'm sure a lot of people make it, or maybe it's me being duh