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Imageshack was Hacked!

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Smartmom's picture
Wellington Florida
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So if your one who hosts your images on imageshack and you noticed that something was odd well your not the only one. It seams to be that imageshack was hacked by a "Anti-sec" group. When you uploaded your pictures they were replaced by this.

I know that Jayson ran into this issue. Last night he PM'ed me to look at his new myspace that he designed (which looked awesome). I messaged him back saying Jayson some of the pics are messed up but I couldn't quite tell what was wrong with them. He asked me to send him a screen shot so I did........

Yep 4 of his pictures were hacked. He did get them straighten out (I thnk he hosted them on another site but I'm not sure). I pooked around on imageshacks site but didn't notice them saying anything about it however many sites on the web are chatting about how imageshack was hacked. It does say that "No Images were harmed in the making of this .....Image." so I guess time will tell if anyone lost any images but meanwhile what a pain.

So has anyone had any issues with this?

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Re: Imageshack was Hacked!

Image shack striagten this out just so eveyone knows and all my images had that logo for two days ! I had my images hosted on two differnt site so I had to switch them one by one untill it got fixed !

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