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I Can't See Any Shared Folders or Computers Anymore (on Windows 10)

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pancytonia's picture
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Hello Geeks!

I can't remember exactly when this happened, or how long it's been this way because I only use shared folders once in a while, but I used to be able to click on the "Network" icon in Windows Explorer and see all the computers in my Workgroup, and then see any shared folders each computer shared if I clicked on one of them. I no longer can do this. It seemed to just "stop", out of nowhere.

On other computers in the same Workgroup, including an Apple iMAC and a couple of Linux computers, they all still show up, it's just on my Windows 10 computer that I can't see them suddenly and I have NO clue why! Can anyone point me in the right direction? TY!

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Re: I Can't See Any Shared Folders or Computers Anymore (on ...

One of the updates to Windows 10 disabled SMB1 due to it being a big target for RansomWare. It's apparently very insecure, and there are several drawbacks to using that as opposed to the later versions (SMB2 and / or SMB 3). Without getting into all of the details on the drawbacks, and so on, the usual disclaimer applies; 'use at your own risk'.

That said, if you still want to enable it, there are several ways to do so.

One is via the "Add / remove Windows Features" control panel (just press the Start button and type that to get there).
Another is to run a command at the PowerShell prompt (of whech there are a few commands as well that can do this, here is one):

First, you can check to see if it's even disabled in the first place, to see if that really IS the problem; paste this into PowerShell and press Enter: Get-WindowsOptionalFeature –Online –FeatureName SMB1Protocol

And here's the command to enable SMB 1.0 (again): Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName SMB1Protocol

You may need to reboot to computer after doing so, it's always a good idea anyway.

There are also registry keys you can tweak, and so on, but I think 2 ways is already plenty. Tongue

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