So now you've jailbroken your iphone and nothing happens when you turn it on. ok, first take your iphone that you just broke, email me, I will send you my address and send you money for shipping to my house.
Seriously, I will do that if you can't figure this out below
Now, seriously Bricked iPhones are simple to unbrick
First turn on the iPhone, wait 10 seconds (don't pay attention to what the iPhone screen says on it, it doesn't matter)
Open itunes and plug your cable into the iPhone
Now hold down the power button and Home button at same time until the screen shuts, off wait 5 seconds after the screen shuts off to let go of the power button, only Keep home button pressed for about 30 seconds
a popup in itunes will say "iPhone is in restore mode and must be restored."
Hold down the shift key while clicking restore, goto your .ipsw file you saved on your PC (you could have one from your iPhone before you bricked it or a downloaded file), ignore any error messages at this time on the iPhone
phone should say connect to itunes
run jail break
and there ya go !
Note: if You don't want to have it jailbroken be sure to save a copy of the .ispw file to your PC now
Also These instructions are for PC, NOT MAC
Since I have not tried this on a mac I wont guarantee it works on a mac, but I guess you can get mac itunes to restore by trying this:
Hold down Option/ALT-key while clicking restore goto your .ipswfile you saved on your PC (you could have one from your iPhone before you bricked it or a downloaded file), ignore any error messages at this time on the iPhone
the rest is supposed to be the same !
ok first off was the iPhone bricked???
(admin note: "Bricked" means the firmware on the iPhone got screwed up rendering the entire phone useless.)
If you dropped your iPhone in a pool or water it is NOT bricked its broken , Usually your iPhone only gets bricked if you are trying to jailbreak and jailbreak doesn't work !
tell me first off did you even get power or a apple logo or anything!
Also if an iPhone is bricked it usually has a logo that look like this
tell me first off did you even get power or a apple logo or anything!
If you have that image you have a BRICKED iPhone let me know if you had that logo on your iPhone if not it probably not bricked , what problems did iPhone have?
Also if you have a iphone and its bricked make sure your iphone can be jailbroken on OS you are using for that iPhone all iPhones & OS's are slightly different !
Example : Some people with 3GS have problems jailbreaking New OS yet iPhone 3G usually has no problems !
Also I dont know of a current jailbreak for iPhone 4 even though their is talk that you can do it Via Mac If you still are having problems with your iPhone put all info possible like:
this is what happened to my iphone i put bootneuter on there to unlock my phone now it shows different sim detected. it also has plug to itunes which i think i bricked it and need help unbricking it.
i have a bricked iphone 3gs i tried jailbreaking it
NOTE~ i alwaqys had a 3G so i didnt know 5.1 3GS cant be jailbroken unless if its the newer model and i found out newel models cant be jailbroken or some
and im stuck i have no service no wifi and cant restore, is there a way to fix it?
I just unbricked a 3G iphone but I didn't realize the new 4.1 firmware can't be unlocked on a windows computer so before you upgrade to 4.1 make sure you have a Mac and goto these instructions Clicky
Restoring is usually simple but watch out for firmware as it gets harder to jailbreak ! The good ting is the person I did this for had AT&T and there phone now works (without a jailbreak currently But works) before it was frozen ! I told them I would re-jailbreak it later this week on a mac !
Just pay attention to what you click when restoring also DFU mode and Recovery mode are different dont have time write bout differences right now but google them !
Sn0wbreeze can be used to update a 3G to 4.1 while preserving the baseband which will let you unlock. I did two in the past few weeks so they could be sold on eBay. No Mac needed.
My bad was using itunes to restore and not realizing it restored it to the latest firmware by default on new itunes , Just a simple overlook on my part so snowbreeze works to update and unlock to 4.1 and what benifits does it have from 4.0.1 ?
I have 4.0.1 on it now and it works smoothly so unless there is a reason to update not going to do it !
Plus I like to leave them all on 4.0.1 because I can restore back and sell with 4.0.1 firmware and have re jailbreak it if they want ! Very simple and quick process
I normally don't skip updates. I did skip over 4.0.2 I think it was. 4.1 and the upcoming 4.2 offer some speed improvements for 3G models. Sn0wbreeze is nice because it doesn't update the baseband. iTunes updates the baseband which means you lose the unlock for now and possibly forever. Although they have unlocked it everytime.
With Sn0wbreeze you download a copy of the ipsw then open it in Sn0wbreeze and it creates a custom firmware. You then use iTunes to update by using shift click restore. NOT UPDATE. Once you hit shift then click restore an box pops up and you navigate to the location of the custmon firmware. Select it then iTunes takes care of the rest. Once done you have a jailbroken iPhone with an unlockable baseband.
I will update to 4.2 when it comes out using Sn0wbreeze cause they beat most everyone to the punch and it works. Plain and simple.
Ok man i have a bricked iphone what do i do?
OK, I did this, actually before I read this article, and after the restore nothing happened. Nothing. I can't get this thing to turn on or anything. Not holding both buttons down, not a thing. Now what? I'm screwed aren't I?