Hello, I'm new here, and I have a question for u: How can u stop kids to go on Facebook if they aren't too careful going on? and how will these kids avoid to unknown users or strangers on Facebook?
How do i tell my godsister that it's dangerous or bad to go on Facebook? She's only 10 yrs old. I'm a concerned god-sister who loves her godsister and doesn't want to see her get hurt. please respond!
Hi RoseyBell
For a 10 year old, if you're (or your God-sister) going to allow your 10 year old to have a Facebook profile (or any social networking website for that matter), it's probably best to do a few things:
For the most part, once all of the safety settings are set properly, and the parent monitors things, Facebook really isn't (at least in my opinion) a very dangerous place. The settings do work very well, as far as keeping unwanted eyes from seeing and communication from happening.
Hope that helps!