I was responding to a member's question and the topic of adding AutoHotkey scripts to Windows start up, so they ran automatically when Windows boots up, came up, so I thought I'd create a separate post that I could always point to in the future...
If you're unfamiliar with AHK, you just download it from their website and install it (or unzip it, if you get the zip version), then you simply call the AutoHotkey.exe followed by the path to the script you want to run.
So for example, here's what I have in my Windows Start Up for a Minimizing EagleGet script that I wrote (in the following example, I'm using the 64 Bit version, but the process is the same for the 32 Bit version):
"G:\FileMenuTools\App\FileMenu Tools\My Custom Additions\Coding\Scripting\AutoHotKey\AutoHotkeyU64.exe" "G:\FileMenuTools\App\FileMenu Tools\My Custom Additions\Coding\Scripting\AutoHotKey\My Scripts\Completed\Minimize EagleGet.ahk"
Note the quotes around the paths. To add things to Windows Start Up, I usually use Mike Lin's "Start Up".
Tip: For adding programs that use parameters / arguments, best bet is to add them to the HKCU / Run tab.
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