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Google Contacts won't Sync on my Android? - SOLVED

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OliveOyl's picture
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I'm having major problems trying to get my phone to sync with my Google Contacts! It gives me the error "Sync is currently experiencing problems. It will be back shortly." I've been getting this error for weeks. I've fed up with the way my Android phone keeps screwing up my contacts when it syncs with Facebook Contacts, Google Contacts AND my Phone and/or SIM contacts, so I want to use ONLY Google Contacts. I've taken the time to perfectly setup my Google Contacts with pictures, just the right contact details, everything, but now my phone won't sync them!!


Things that I've tried with no luck so far are:

  • Uninstalled all Gmail App updates (my phone won't let me totally uninstall the Gmail app without doing something hacky, like rooting and using root uninstall type apps.)
  • Reinstalled the Gmail App updates
  • Cleared both the Gmail apps' Data and Cache
  • Deleting and re-adding all of and sometimes JUST the affected accounts from the phone
  • Exporting all of the contacts as a .vcf vCard from within Gmail, deleting all contacts from my phone, and then importing the vCard into my "People" app on my phone. That imported them all but their pictures wouldn't show up.
  • Un-check and re-check the various sync options in the "Accounts & Sync settings".
  • And probably a half dozen more things that I'm forgetting as I type this.

STILL, after all of that I get the same error message when trying to sync my Gmail Contacts and they don't get fully sync'd!! Has anyone ever come across this and figured out a solution? I would be forever indebted to you! Frustrated

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Re: Google Contacts won't Sync on my Android?

Heyas Olive,

You're looking in the wrong place (Gmail App); you need to Clear Data for the "Contacts Storage" app instead. (aha!) Wink

Follow these steps (they may be just slightly different on different phones and/or versions of Android):

  1. Goto Menu | Settings | Applications | Manage Applications

  2. Tap the "Running" tab and look for "Contacts Storage"

  3. "Clear Data" on it by tapping the button. The Cache is probably already 0.00B (bytes), but if not, go ahead and tap the Clear Cache button also

  4. Go ahead now and do a sync, it WILL work. Smile


Also, since you're wanting to only use Google Contacts to store and sync all of your contacts, then be sure to uncheck all of the corresponding boxes in Settings | Accounts & Sync, i.e. Facebook -> Sync Contacts, you'll want that one unchecked before you do a sync or it'll just mess your contacts all up again. Also, if you have an HTC phone that came with the Facebook for HTC app, even if you uncheck it's box, when you do a sync for some reason it ignores that you unchecked it and will STILL add all of your Facebook friends. I Removed that one from my phone for that exact reason (when you're looking at the apps' settings tap the "remove account" button), I use the official Facebook for Android app that you can download from the Android Market instead.

And like you've already mentioned, it's also best to fully delete all of your current contacts before doing any of the above steps, just so that you can start from a clean slate.

Shhh.. dont tell anyone, but we also have a private forum area with the really good stuff, see?

Shaunatownsend's picture
Re: Google Contacts won't Sync on my Android?

I love you! I was almost in tears and this solved my problem! Thank you so much!!!!

denae_brooke's picture
Re: Google Contacts won't Sync on my Android?

Thanks!!! This worked for me as well!!

KauaiDaze's picture
Re: Google Contacts won't Sync on my Android?

This may be a 4 year old solution, but still works! Had to find the contact storage in a different location, but all is synced note! Mahalo (thank you).

Ravl's picture
Re: Google Contacts won't Sync on my Android?


vks's picture
Re: Google Contacts won't Sync on my Android?

I love you so much! Huge thanks for this. I was so pissed that even after adding back contacts they automatically got removed, but I could still see it on my Google contacts. But that wouldn't sync on my phone. You're a genius! Kiss

GuestINU's picture
Re: Google Contacts won't Sync on my Android?

It only syncs once, after that it won't sync again. Anyone else have this problem?

Re: Google Contacts won't Sync on my Android?

 So, did all that was instructed. And no. It does not complete a sync. It begins. But it stops and leaves the arrows showing, the same issue that I've had with every other instruction that I've had since 2015. Haven't been able to find any fix that can sync all my contacts from my google accounts. Seems to sync a core few but not all of them, usually not the ones that I need. 

mapukatap's picture
Re: Google Contacts won't Sync on my Android? - SOLVED

Tried all the suggested solutions. But my M4 aqua still won't sync. Other things sync successfully but Contacts and calendar won't sync still

Salman's picture
Re: Google Contacts won't Sync on my Android? - SOLVED

I have the same problem. Read in few forums of the same solution - to clear data from Contacts Storage. I have one doubt though: my contacts were last synced one month before, and I have added a few contacts to my phone since then. My question is, if I delete data from Contacts Storage and re-sync with google, will I lose those contacts which I recently added over the last month (which were not synced)?

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