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Facebook Tracker - Profile Watcher V2.1 - eProView

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Another False FaceBook Tracker

The latest one to crop up is one called "Profile Watcher V2.1e". It makes claims of "100% working method", "See who viewed your profile", "this facebook tracker actually works", "Now you can really see who viewed your profile", and so on.

As you can see by the screenshots, of a facebook user who tried it out, in her own words highlighted below, it "doesn't work".

facebook profile watcher tracker facebook tracker profile watcherfacebook profile watchers and trackers

As far as we know there is no real, simple way of tracking who views or visits your facebook profile yet, and the tricky way(s) don't even really work too well. If you see someone spam your facebook feed with one of these don't waste your time installing it yourself, and you may even want to send the person a message telling them it'd be a real good idea to remove the app, because they very often tend to be some sort of MalwareMalwarebytes Anti-virus / Anti-malware or "virus".

When there is a truly working, safe facebook profile visitor tracker / watcher, GeekDrop will be the first to let you know.

I Averaged: 3 | 1 vote

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