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Facebook Tracker

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Smartmom's picture
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In the past when anyone has ever asked if you can put a tracker on facebook the answer has always been NO. Well times are a changing.
I just wanted to report that profiletracker is now offering a facebook tracker. I do have a facebook but its pretty private so I have not used it. I would love to hear feedback on the tracker as far as facebook goes. If its anything like how their myspace tracker is then its gotta be good.

So how do you block this new tracker? Well if your using our tracker blocker then you already are: How to Block Trackers

with that said happy stalking Smile

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CritterKeeper's picture
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Re: Facebook Tracker
I was gonna post this. I haven't used it yet, and I'm pretty sure it requires the person to click on a certain part of your profile.... I don''t Know
But I too would love to know how it works.

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Terikan's picture
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Re: Facebook Tracker

Hi all,

The general premise is that you remove or privatize your regular profile information (leaving the profile itself visible but with nothing on it), and create a new 'FBspace' profile. To read your full status updates, see info about you, or view your pictures, they then have to check your new profile, where they can be tracked.

A link is provided for them in the lefthand column of their normal profile, through a profile tab, and a link in your Info tab.

A large focus of the development of this tracker is luring friends and stalkers onto your new page. To understand more of how it works, see the site

CritterKeeper's picture
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Re: Facebook Tracker
Thanks Terikan, for explaining it a bit better!

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MariaO's picture
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Re: Facebook Tracker

Terikan - does this still work and can I still get it? Thanks Terikan!

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