I'd like to view an Instagram users photos while at work from my web browser on the internet but whenever I login to the Instagram site I don't see any way to view pics, or if I just click a friend's Instagram picture in a Facebook status it will not let me view any other pics of theirs, just the one I clicked on. I'd also like to be able to snoop on some peoples pics that I'm not friends with or following .
Does any1 know if there's a way to do this??
Adding to what Bri said, if you use cool addons like Firefox's Web Search Pro (WSP) you can also add a quick search to look up someones Instagram gallery just by highlighting a word, phrase or username and clicking the search link you added.
i.e. Add an Instagram Search to WSP using this: http://web.stagram.com/search/{searchTerms} then just highlight a username and click it to instantly search Webstagram for that username.
Another idea that comes to mind, though I haven't tried it myself would be to use another Firefox addon that can change your browser's User Agent (like User Agent Switcher), set your User Agent to an iPhone, Android phone, or similar and then login to your Instagram account. Theoretically it should think you're viewing Instagram via your phone's Instagram app and let you do whatever you can in it on your phone. So the end result is you're just browsing Instagram over the web.
hi ,I have ever been annoyed by the same problem, I searched and found a solution by Google.
how about installing an image web viewer app for your Gallery, reboot your browser in Gallery .image will display perfectly.
This works for me.goodluck.
You can use Webstagram to view Instagram photo galleries in your regular web browser, it's an Instagram viewer, and a nice one at that! It also lets you search for someones name, and even Instagram username if you know it, and view all of their pics even if you don't know them or are following them on your Instagram account!