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Windows Update

STaRDoGG's picture

Windows Update 1809!! All My Personalized / Custom Settings Are Gone! - QUICK EASY SOLUTION

I recently got hit with what I thought at first was a catastrophe ...

Windows Update installed the dreaded 1809 update / patch to Windows 10, rebooted, logged back in, and suddenly ALL of my personalizations were GONE; my wallpaper was reset, my taskbar shortcuts all gone, my desktop icons were reset, losing any that I had moved there myself, quick access links gone ... ALL of it.

Turns out that the fix is (THANK GOD) extremely simple .... just reboot!

I Averaged: 3 | 5 votes
STaRDoGG's picture

2018-11 Update for Windows 10 Version 1803 for x64-based Systems (KB4023057) - Error 0x80070643 - [Solved]

So while running Windows Update today I ran into this error:

2018-11 Update for Windows 10 Version 1803 for x64-based Systems (KB4023057) - Error 0x80070643

pancytonia's picture

I Can't See Any Shared Folders or Computers Anymore (on Windows 10)

Hello Geeks!

I can't remember exactly when this happened, or how long it's been this way because I only use shared folders once in a while, but I used to be able to click on the "Network" icon in Windows Explorer and see all the computers in my Workgroup, and then see any shared folders each computer shared if I clicked on one of them. I no longer can do this. It seemed to just "stop", out of nowhere.

I Averaged: 4 | 1 vote
BRIANNA's picture

Windows Update Removed All of My Junction Links!

Someone please tell me if I'm going crazy here.......... I'm pretty sure the latest Windows Update removed ALL of my junction links but not 100% positive !!! Has this happened to anyone else? I'm using Windows 10. The last Windows Update seems to have been some kind of full upgrade instead of just the usual patches, because just like when you do a upgrade it left behind the "Windows.old" folder with the previous version of Windows in it. I think I the process of "upgrading" itself it also took it upon itself to remove all of my previous junctions ! errrrrgh!!!!! Angry

I Averaged: 3.3 | 3 votes
jaygirl661's picture

Windows 7 SP1 and KB971033? Is it included in the update?

I just noticed that SP1 is available now in Windows Update for Windows 7. Is the KB971033 patch included in the update?? Anyone know?

I Averaged: 2 | 1 vote
Niebr's picture

KB971033 - Are you running a legit copy of Windows 7? Be careful on your next windows update

Critic wrote:

Windows 7 users should block KB971033, now arriving via Windows Update (see what to look for, below)


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