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kaka's picture

Disable All Internet Connections By Adapter?

Here's my situation:

  • I use Comcast for Broadband on my home PC. It only alots 1TB per month, then stuff starts to get REALLY expensive.
  • I also have an unlimited plan for Verizon Wireless for my family's cell phone plan, which includes unlimited hotspot.
  • (You probably already see where I'm going with this) Smile
  • I have a LAN NIC (adapter) that is connected to Comcast, as well as my local network.
  • I also have a separate Wireless NIC.
  • 4
    I Averaged: 4 | 1 vote
STaRDoGG's picture

What Version of NDIS is My Computer Using?

Need to know which version of the NDIS driver is installed on any network card on your computer?

Maybe you're fighting with MiraCast Wink like half the internet is, and have come to realize that one requirement is a WiFi network card that supports at minimum NDIS 6.3?

You've come to the right place (but as a regular GeekDropper, you already knew this, right? ... Tongue ), it's cake, just:

  • Fire up Windows PowerShell: Windows Key + R , type "powershell" , press Enter
  • 3.1
    I Averaged: 3.1 | 10 votes
Smartmom's picture

How To Secure Your Public Wi-Fi Sessions

One of the nice things about owning a laptop or a netbook is that you can be mobile. The only problem with going mobile is that when you connect to the internet though public wi-fi you do open yourself up to possible hackers. As technology grows its easier and easier to break into a unsuspecting person and they have no clue. With a few easy steps you can protect yourself. Not to mention I will show you how you can do it for FREE.

missb's picture

Apple iPad WiFi Problems

Since the launch of the Apple iPad, some serious WiFi problems have been reported including weak signal, signal dropping completely, and snail speed downloading, hence a lot of angry iPad owners out there. Apple have made several suggestions on how to improve the problem, but it seems all things point to a software issue especially if Mac Books, and iPhones have no problem with the same router. I would be seriously mad right now if I had purchased one, don't you think this should have all been sorted before its release? Anyone have one?

Jayson Krause's picture

Acer Aspire One not connecting to WIFI - Wireless - Router

This Acer Aspire One laptop has win Xp home edition with sp3service pack installed ! 1gb ram. This is a brand new laptop from Target. I can't get it to connect to wifi !

When I do get it to connect it says connected but when I open Firefox or IE it doesn't connect to internet !

I think its just the wifi settings but cant figure this out !

i'm getting this message after messing with settings :

"There is an IP address conflict with another system on the network"

Smartmom's picture

Freak Out Annoying Neighbors With Your Funny WIFI Network SSID Names

Want to have fun with your neighbors - change you WIFI network name so when they go looking or try and steal it they see the name. Yep freak out your annoying neighbors and sit back and laugh. Here are some funny examples

Funny Wireless Wifi Names SSID Boobies

I Averaged: 3 | 1 vote

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