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Phrozen Crew Hit National Headlines - Commentary from Archimede

Phrozen Crew Hit National Headlines

Well it was bound to happen sooner or later, Phrozen Crew 98 have had the destinction of being featured in "The Australian" which is Australia's largest daily newspaper. you can view a JPEG copy of the article here.

I Averaged: 3 | 1 vote
BRIANNA's picture

Proper, Workprint, Telesync, Telecine, Screener, WebDL, Remux, Internal, NUKED (and others); WHAT DO ALL OF THESE MEAN?

I know at some point in time we've all come across these terms while searching torrents and NewsGroups, but what the Hell do these terms really mean?

These words all describe the QUALITY of a video in one way or another, as released by the "scene". I recently came across a great page with information that describes them all very well, and I wanted to re-post here for posterity, and to help more people find the answers:


I Averaged: 2.5 | 2 votes
Smartmom's picture

DVD - Pirated vs Buying

I saw this picture and it made me laugh

Then I thought about it and its true, I mean how annoying is it that you are forced to watch 10 lbs of crap before the movie starts? I mean if you want it on the disk add it at the very end so I have the choice to watch or not watch. In my opinion they are pirating my time forcing me to watch all of that when that is NOT what I paid for. Does it annoy you also?


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