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Smartmom's picture

New iPhones Block Jailbreaking

Well in Apples attempt to keep iphones from being able to be jailbreak they have made some changes. They said any phones shipped after last week will not beable to be broken. So I'm wondering if that includes ipods? I purchased a ipod last week so I may or may not have hit the deadline Worried

Smartmom's picture

Adblock For iPhones and iPod Touches

I think most who have and use Firefox will say the best feature is the add-on's like Adblock. Well now you can add adblock to MobileSafari.

Now do you have to jailbreak your iphone or ipod? yes

You can read more about it here: clicky

Smartmom's picture

How To Get Paid iPhone Apps Free

Tired of having to pay for those iPhone apps? Nothings worse then paying for a app and finding out that its not what it lived up to be. Well now there is a way to get them free. There is a site that will give you those apps free if you rate them on itunes.

Smartmom's picture

iPhone & AT&T MMS Details For Set Up Friday September 25, 2009

Apparently AT&T slipped on some details for the MMS feature that comes out on September 25th (Friday). Here is what you need to be prepared for:

  • The iPhone 3G and 3GS will roll out the MMS feature late morning PST (Pacific Standard Time) so if your in EST (Eastern Standard Time) then don't expect much till the afternoon
  • Make sure you have your cords ready to hook it up to your computer to get the settings off of itunes.
  • 0
Smartmom's picture

iPhone Water Damage Scam - BEWARE!

Cell phone carriers as a standard places water detection devices inside cell phones. Ok that I can understand, water and electronics don't mix well. Well along comes Apple who does something sneaky - water detections on the OUTSIDE of the phone. Hummm could these possible trigger false positives - oh yeah. It seams some have complaints that the detection were showing false positives for something so simple as sweat.

U2's picture

Organize Your iPhone Apps With iTunes 9

I am a big apps fan and just updated my iTunes to 9 and found it has something called "app management" for your iphone and ipod touch. I updated itunes before I plugged in my iphone and after connecting my iphone updates to my iphone were applied.

Once your iphone is connected to your computer, itunes will pop up and under Applications you will find the apps management part. Its sooooooo simple to delete an app, arrange them by dragging and dropping them into different pages of your iphone or installing new apps.

U2's picture

Midomi Ultra on the iPhone

Midomi Ultra is the fastest way to identify and connect with music:
  • Just hold your iPhone up to a speaker, and Midomi names the tune in as little as five seconds!
  • It even works if you sing or hum the melody.
  • You can also instantly check out a song or band just by saying or typing the name.
  • You can share a song on Twitter or Facebook, buy it, or check out lyrics, videos, and artist info for free..........
U2's picture

Morphie Juice Pack for iPhone

One issue I have with my iphone is battery life, basically it sucks. I can charge my iphone either on the computer or thru plugging it into the wall (electric) and I still get very little battery time. I have turned off all the things on my iphone which could drain it down and its still the same.

I use to have a Blackberry and the battery life on it with apps running and email etc. was about 2 days, I am sorry I switched from Blackberry.

Smartmom's picture

iPhone, AT&T and MMS

Well on September 25th AT&T users who own a iPhone will have MMS available. Well congratulations AT&T your now offering your users something that most phones already have - even some of the crap phones already have MMS features. It seams like this year AT&T has had a PR nightmare. For as many who love their iPhones there is a line just as long of those who hate AT&T. It seams like there is to much stress on the network and it just can't keep up with the growing demand. The stress is causing dropped calls, spotty service and slow data

Smartmom's picture

Video Twitter App for iPhones

There is a new app for those who like to twitter. If your a iPhone user you can now upload your iPhone videos straight to twitter with Video Twitter. You can upload up to 50MB and this app will also let you import videos so that you can share them.


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