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p to the izzle's picture

GV Mobile + is free right now!

Popular Google Voice app GV Mobile + for iPhone is currently free in the app store and will be till about Midnight EST. If you own an iPhone and have a Google Voice number you need this app. If you have GV Mobile installed from Cydia already delete if first then install the App store version.

Go get 'em!

Smartmom's picture

Apple now allows VLC Video Player

Well in a surprising step Apple is now allowing users to use VLC video players with their apple products. If your not familiar with VLC then I can tell you its one of the best video players out there and it supports a multiple different types of videos. VLC is my current default video player on my PC. In the past with Apple you have been limited to what kinda videos you could use on your ipod's, iphone's and ipads so this is a big step for apple users. Basically it means no more converting if you want to watch videos that are not MPEG4 or H264.

Evil Monkey's picture

Face talk to computer

Question for any iphone 4 people out there.

I Averaged: 3.9 | 33 votes
Smartmom's picture

You Can Now Jailbreak Your iPhone Legally

If you have a iPhone or a iPod then you have probably heard about jailbreaking. Most will tell you that doing this is considered illegal, or at least Apple will tell you that. Well a ruling just came down from the courts saying it is legal to jailbreak your phone.

Yahoo News wrote:

missb's picture

T-Mobile to sell the iPhone

Rumor has it that T-Mobile will start selling the iPhone later this year. "Talks are apparently in an "advanced stage," and the source puts the odds at about 80 percent that it's going to happen".

Seems like there would be some issues though:

With T-Mobile there is one big problem, and that's their 3G frequencies. They operate on a non-standard 1700/2100 MHz band, whereas AT&T uses the standard 1900MHz for 3G with 850MHz in certain markets. That means the 3GS is not going to work on T-Mobile.

U2's picture

SkyGrid For iPad and iPhone

About SkyGrid

SkyGrid is a new way to experience the Web.

Smartmom's picture

Smart Phone LOL (Picture)

I thought this was a funny use of phone apps....

NO this is NOT my phone but I thought it was funny!

Smartmom's picture

Apps...What is Free and what isn't

So be it a cell phone, smart phone, PDA or a media table what type of apps are you looking for? How many buy apps out there and what is the most you have ever spent on one?

I thought this was very intresting

57% of Android apps are free -- iPhone apps: only 27%

missb's picture

Trade In Your Old iPhone Towards The New iPhone 4

This Thursday, Radioshack, Best BuyBest Buy and Walmart will begin to sell the new iPhone 4. If you're planning on purchasing one and already have an iPhone 3G or iPhone 3GS, you can trade it in at these retailers which can cut the cost or even get it free.

Smartmom's picture

Jailbreaking an iPhone, iPod or iPad 3G

I have been waiting for some time to jailbreak my son's iPod because it was a 3 generation one (the 64GB one). I could have used the older jailbreaks but it would have required tethering and for me that was not a option. Well I'm happy to say there is a new jailbreak for those who have the 3 generation. The jailbreak is called Spirit Jailbreak. Its pretty easy to do and they seamed to have worked out the bugs they had.

Ok here is my son's ipod now


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