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STaRDoGG's picture

Organizr Viewer: Chrome Browser Extension to Easily Quick-View your Organizr Server

Here's a great lil Chrome Browser extension I whipped up to make "quick-viewing" of your Organizr server that much easier.

Just install it, and enter in the URL to your Organizr installation in it's settings area, and you'll get your Organizr page loaded up in a small window when you click it's icon on your Chrome toolbar.

I Averaged: 3 | 2 votes
vatana's picture

What is: ? [SOLVED]

I use a Web Browser Chooser app that allows me to choose which web browser from a list of installed browsersthat will popup whenever a URL is loaded outside of a browser. It shows the URL in the title bar thatit will go to once the browser choise is selected from the list. Sometimes when Windows starts, it'll automatically popup with "" in the titlebar.

  • Does anyone know what this is?
  • What's launching it?
  • 2.666668
    I Averaged: 2.7 | 6 votes
JocelynJones's picture Pop-Up When Logging Into Windows? [SOLVED]

Sometimes I get this random page loading whenever I log on to Windows, seemingly after I lose internet connection. This page will load up all by itself:


I've done MalwareMalwarebytes Anti-virus / Anti-malware scans with Adaware and Malwarebytes. and they say I'm clean. Am I infected??

I Averaged: 2.5 | 6 votes
GeekDrop's picture

How To Update Google Chrome

How to Manually Update your Google Chrome Web Browser

Google Chrome usually updates itself by putting an Update program in your start-up, but sometimes you may need to (or just want to) update it yourself, or just check check for an update, so here's how to do it.

How To Update Google Chrome Step 1
Step 1: Click on "About Google Chrome"

I Averaged: 4 | 2 votes
Phantom's picture

I Can't Highlight / Select Text in the Google Chrome Location Bar!

For some reason lately Chrome won't let me highlight and cut / copy the text in my location bar. The cursor just locks itself wherever I click it. I CAN highlight and select text anywhere else in Chrome and cut / copy though, just not the URL Bar. I'm using Windows 8 64-Bit. Help! Crying

I Averaged: 4 | 1 vote
OliveOyl's picture

No Sound in Google Chrome?

For some reason all of the sound in my Google Chrome browser doesn't work. Anything that lays audio like YouTube videos, Facebook videos, SiriusXMsiriusXM internet player and things like that don't give any errors, and they look like they're playing, but just silence. I know that my whole computer isn't being affected though because I can still play sound in other browsers like Firefox at the same time.

karthur1's picture

Tired of typing the full URL (

If you want to avoid typing the whole ( just type the site name and hold the Ctrl key and press enter. Works for .com sites mostly (ie) pepsi then hold Ctrl and press enter, it will Automatically enter the http://www. for you. IE and Firefox.

GeekDrop's picture

How To Temporarily Bypass Your Browser's Cache To See The Latest Version Of A Page

How To Temporarily Bypass Your Browser's Cache To See The Latest Version Of A Page

Sometimes you may want (or need) to see the very latest version of a web page, for example, you're designing a web page, or working with a site who's content frequently changes, like a Wiki type website, or any myriad of reasons. Here's how to temporarily bypass the cache on your browser so that you can see the current version of a page, while still being able to keep your normal cache settings, or having to go into your browser settings to alter them.
missb's picture

Auto Insert www. and .com when typing an URL - great timesaving tip!

Tired of typing in www (name of website) .com ? Here's another quick tip that will insert the www and .com for you in one easy step.

Just type in the name of the website you want in the url bar, e.g. "geekdrop" (sans quotes of course), then just hit Ctrl + Enter your computer will input the www. and the .com for you. Easy peasy! Big Grin

Smartmom's picture

What is a User Agent String or a Browser String? And How Do I Find Mine?

What is a User Agent string, also known as your Browser string? Well it's basically your computer's information as far as what software you are running. It just gives the basics as to which OS (operating system) you are running, your basic security (if you have any) and which internet browser you are using. It also may tell if some other applications are installed, like the Microsoft.NET framework and the version you have installed.

I Averaged: 3 | 4 votes

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