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Re: Calibre eBook Manager and Converter

All depends on what I want to convert to, so a collection is the more appropriate term. Inthe past I converted everything to PDF via doPDF, and since I'm a phanatic about how Nook organizes "my library", or doesn't organize I should say, I'd edit the metadata using BeCyPDFMetaEdit to encompass all my organizing needs. The beauty of using a PDF printer is that you can convert anything printable into a PDF, EVEN if it's password protected, which then allows you to edit the metadata. I also have full Adobe which is nice to edit the PDF's to remove any "dead space".

I've also heard pretty decent things about the web based converter Zamzar, although I have no personal experience with it, as of yet. I do plan on taking that endevor on soon. Just to see what happens.

I do find that Calibre does a fantastic job at converting, which I think I originally mentioned, to epub. In the past I've tried a few different programs to do this. I am impressed with Calibre being able to edit metadata while converting. ALTHOUGH, I am not a fan of how when I "Save to disk" it saves it in a folder within a folder, along with a jpeg of the cover and another file that I can't remember offhand. I just want the epub, no more, no less. I know the jpeg will let the cover be shown while I'm reading on the touch screen but that's unecessary, at least for me.

I just don't understand what everyone else likes it for. Even organizing - what's the point? I delete everything out of Calibre as soon as I convert it. All my books are organized the way I like them on a 12 gig Flash DriveFlash Drive, so there is no purpose in having them in a second place.

I can't remember right this second what other programs I have used, or currently use but I will takle a look when I'm out of work as I'm heading to a meeting right now. I do know that I've used, and not liked I'd like to add, ABCLit to convert lit files.




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